The Success Paradigm

How do you define success?images (2)
Does it require sacrifice? It shouldn’t.
Does it require compromise? It shouldn’t
Does it require struggle, stress, and pain? It shouldn’t!

So many of us believe that society demands we accomplish tasks of great importance, reach status of incredible heights, or acquire wealth worthy of a dynasty just to be considered “Successful”  The optimum word here is “Considered”

Are we trying to please others?

Are we gauging success by someone else’ yardstick?

Are we struggling for a goal only to keep up “Appearances”?

Success should never be married to an ” Outcome at any cost”.
Success is measured by the quality of the life we are experiencing in the present moment. If you compromise your entire life to reach a pinnacle moment, you have not lived life, but have been a slave to appearance.
Too many of us are reaching for a goal that will define us. We mortgage our present moment for the hope of an OUTCOME. After many years of struggle, sacrifice, stress and compromise, we finally reach the summit of our intentions, only to find they have robbed us of our life. Goals & Dreams are wonderful for defining direction, but vicious task masters if our peace of mind is contingent upon them.
Never put your life on the roulette wheel of outcome, you will be paying with much too much. Lifetimes have been lost in pursuit of dreams, that when achieved, diminish in value exponentially Diminish in value.

Happiness and peace, ARE the earmarks of success.
Struggle and sacrifice are the pictures of a slave.


Success is measured by the quality of life. Goals & Dreams are wonderful for defining direction, but vicious task masters if our peace of mind is contingent upon them.

Happiness IS Success.

The successful person knows where he is going, but s right where he wants to be in the moment. Happiness and peace, ARE the earmarks of success. Struggle and sacrifice are the pictures of a slave. Have you been tied to an outcome haven given up everything in the present for the chance of a few minutes in the lime light?

Never put your life on the roulette wheel of outcome, you will be paying with much too much. Lifetimes have been lost in pursuit of dreams, that when achieved, diminish in value exponentially.

Have you eye on a goal, but live for today!

Success is being able to lay down at night having enjoyed the day.
Success is largely misinterpreted as the completion of a task regardless the cost.

We gain nothing if there is a cost attached. We only trade sweat for the ability to claim “I Made it”

Examine what you are reaching for and weigh the cost. Any business images (1)transaction is only successful when more is gained than is lost. Does that sound like the journey you are on?
Slavery was abolished in the US a long time ago! Let yourself free. The shackles that bind you to the grief you are experiencing are only locked with the key that is in your pocket. Quick, while no one is looking, unlock those chains. It is OK!

Smell the flowers today and you are success.

What have you lost in the name of success?

Rethink your choices.


Have you eye on a goal, but live for today!

The Journey IS the Destination!

About positivelyjohn

Philosopher/Poet/Writer/Author Seeker of truth & Meaning
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2 Responses to The Success Paradigm

  1. changle says:

    the problem is that we misinterpret some definitions


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