What is a Miracle?

I am sure I could not count how many articles I have written, blogs posted or FB posts I have created related to the immutable fact that our minds create our experiences and are the fertile soil onto which we plant the seed of our reality.  We all know that once a seed is planted, the determining factor in its growth is sunlight, water, and any food and nutrient it may receive. The more of each, and higher quality, will yield rapid, positive results. Regarding the thoughts we plant from our conscious thinking mind, into the Universal Subconscious Mind (God- The creation factory),they also need attention. That attention is our FAITH! Belief, conviction, expectation and repeated focused thoughts of such, mold and shape what will eventually become our experience. If our minds regularly entertain thoughts of lack, pain, struggle and futility, we will live lives that reflect that. If we truly believe, think about, nourish and feed thoughts of health, wealth, peace, love and joy, such will be the world we encounter.

 If I attempt to change the pipes on a FatBoy,or replace the brakes on a 69 Camaro Z28- LT1, and I go at it thinking: “I could mess this up, I haven’t done this before, maybe I should take it somewhere, this is my prize possession. Why am I even attempting this?” Then proceed to worry about it for a day or two, and go at it with trepidation, then of course I will ruin something, and they will never be the same. For the person who attempts such tasks absolutely sure it is easy and will breeze through it like we brush our teeth, it will be a quick easy job!

 The Universe will deliver what we truly expect, not what we hope, or wish will happen, and this is every time. No ifs ands or buts!

 Admittedly, our expectations and convictions are molded by experience and exposure to the outside world of form. We adopt the convictions that our tribe (society as whole) has taught us and the situations we see play out for others.

 It is sad that much of this world seems convinced that poverty, illness, violence, pain, struggle and division are very easy to experience, while success, wealth, health, fitness, unity, compassion, joy and peace are situations that are very difficult to achieve, and only a few select individuals will experience them. We all believe that success is hard, and failure is easy, which is why that is the prevailing paradigm in our world today. So much so, that many feel wealth, health and the freedom to live on our own terms is so very difficult, that it requires a miracle and living hard on the streets would be the default. As soon as we start thinking; “I need a miracle for this to happen,” we are convinced it will not, and of course, it doesn’t.  The things we think of that we refer to as “Miracles” are the ones we believe we will never experience, and so we never do.

 Where and when in our evolution did we determine hard lives were easy and easy lives require such effort that it makes it out of reach? Who made that decision and shared it so far and wide that it became the most popular belief?

 It is just as easy to believe in our health and success as it is to believe in our struggle and suffering. It is even more pleasant to entertain such thoughts, feed them and watch them grow. Every religion, philosophy of human behavior, personal development program and self-help Guru will validate the undeniable truth that the thoughts we plant in our mind and nourish are the foundation for our experiences. Why not plant better seeds. When we encounter bad seeds, don’t feed and water them.

Someone, somewhere, long ago embarked upon a journey of pessimism, hopelessness and pain, shared their perspective and it grew like weeds. We do not have to follow that pack.

 Follow your heart, guard and manage your thoughts, believe that all things good are easy and realize that everything bad is very difficult to achieve and manage. We have way more control than most of us realize.

The Journey IS The Destination

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It’s The Thought That Counts!

How many times have we heard that? Someone does a good deed but it falls short, buys a gift and it ends up being the wrong kind, tries to add something constructive to a conversation but ends up in an argument, then we console ourselves by claiming, while the deed fell apart, it was the thought that mattered.   That phrase is truly out of context in such an application. The intention did not bear fruit. However, behind every action, condition, experience, situation or reality of any kind, there was a preceding thought as seed for the growth of that action.  Thoughts become things. As a man thinks, so shall he be! While loathed to admit it, or ignorant to the reality that every condition we experience in our lives are there because we allowed our thoughts to let them materialize. We are solely responsible for everything we encounter and refer to as our lives. We may at times defer that responsibility by placing blame elsewhere to assuage our ego, but that only leaves us powerless to regain control and create conditions with intent. A man in control of his thought has the wheel of the bus of life he is driving!

 We have been told for many years by the health and nutrition industry that the quality of our health is predicated by the quality of the food and beverage we put into it. The same is true for our overall life, you know, the one created in our minds prior to materializing in form. Whatever our prevailing, repetitive thought, conviction and belief happens to be, coupled with what we focus on, will determine the experiences we have.

 Those in power: (big business, media, both sides of the political aisle, big pharma, climate activists, social justice gurus, and religious zealots) all know this. The past 20-30 years we have been bombarded with information that we cannot ignore, now with the algorithms once you start looking at a topic, it shows up everywhere. These institutions are planting seeds in our minds to keep us divided and dependent upon them. The more we watch and listen to them, the greater percentage of our focus becomes their agenda until we are thinking, living and creating realities that feed their narrative, give them control and ultimately explode their wealth while enslaving free men and women. Look around! Are we free. Everything is taxed, everything needs permits, and everything (including what we can say in public and how we treat each other) is directed by “THEM”.

This article is NOT a call to activism or revolt, as that is what they do, but an eye opener for those that think they are living according to their intentions but are towing the company line.

Your thoughts, beliefs, conviction, expectations and point of focus will create the conditions you experience going forward. The only way to live with any authenticity, according to your true inner desire is to focus on what brings you joy, celebrating all life, embracing humanity, forgiving those that fall short and enlightening they that do not know. Anything else is tantamount to turning yourself into a slave to the machine.

Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, X, FB, Instagram, Tiktoc and the like will all happily supply you plenty of information to bounce around in your cranial cavity all day, or, you can shut them down and concentrate on being a loving, nurturing, productive member of society, and thinks thoughts that will feed the best interest of all mankind ( according to your own best judgement). I know we all look to some authority figures to keep us informed, but realize that there is no one any smarter than you. Whatever anyone knows more about than you, is surely just something to further their own agenda. You know you, so be you, do you, think for yourself because: It’s The Thought That Counts”!

The Journey IS the DESTINATION

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Divine Paradox

So many of us are living our lives largely unfulfilled. The average Joe/Joan is not living up to their potential, let alone feeling satisfied with the events and conditions that life is presenting them. There comes a time, (and that time came for me, repeatedly) when we are fed up, have had enough and decide we want more!

Mediocrity, struggle, paradigms, habits, rut or whatever you prefer to call it becomes the adversary of joy and contentment. Not unlike any encounter with restrictive, controlling forces we find ourselves waging war.  This conflict, while not of a physical nature, can be bloody just the same. There is attack, counterattack, defensive posturing, abduction and torture, retreat, regroup and occasionally small victories, but never is there a winner.

As soon as we determine we need to affect a change, and go to war against our demons, we dive into a state of perpetual “wanting”.

 To want for things is wholly subjective. We as sentient beings make such determinations as good or bad and use judgement to assign every condition, thought, action and thing to one or the other.  The average person would tend to judge wanting to improve one’s self, grow, get better at something, eliminate a bad habit or learn a new skill as a good thing, while attempting to control others, steal, harm, disempower people, acquire decadent things and become harsh and manipulative as bad.  This would lead us to believe that there is a side to “Wanting” that is empowering and a converse side that is destructive.  Many millions of good-natured folk live in the continuous state of want, believing this is a great place to be.

 A cursory peak at how most of are doing with this condition reveals a shocking truth that we never seem to get what we want, or at least once we secure a portion of our desire, we want more and more.  The problem is that we were not created to want, we were designed to create with confidence and assurance. To “Want” is to affirm lack, which continuing to perpetuate, keeps us in a long-term mindset of lack which never allows us to be fulfilled.

 We are reflections and extensions of One Omnipotent Life Force we call God. God is omnipotent, and perfect. Any extension, reflection, appendage, piece, part or component of God, was set in motion with the same perfection. Thoughts of lack, pain, suffering, challenge or any other sense that we are incomplete is an illusory condition the mind of man has created out of ignorance. Once we go down the rabbit hole of chasing what we perceive as our imperfections, we will be forever like the mouse in the wheel that that never stops.

Any foray into Zen, yogic, Taoist or even Christian Principals will teach that accepting who we are without fear and desire is the path to peace, contentment, bliss and enlightenment. The awakened soul accepts all external conditions, keeps thoughts focused on perfection, joy and unity, and creates empowering experiences with joy, confidence and love.

 Want & desire only serve as a temporary catalyst for determining action and direction, living lives perpetuated by them is destructive.

 The paradox is that we always get what we want, when we no longer want it.  To have a picture of a desirable condition and be content that it is manifesting, removes the frantic fanaticism of “Want”. If we continue to want, we will never have. Once we are satisfied, with “What is” all things bright and beautiful flock to us like butterflies to flowers in the summer. I am not advising to give up having dreams of better situations and a brighter world, but as the thought approaches, be grateful that is an order received and in process, stop chasing, eliminate any anxiety, and stop wanting it. Only then will we have fulfilling lives.



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The Destructive Effect of WANT

A pen in the hands of a well-meaning person is fantastic. It can allow them to share inspiration, send heartfelt notes, write beautiful poetry, songs and stories or create instruction and inspiration. While an instrument of communication in the hands of a disingenuous individual can be disruptive, destructive, spread rumor and innuendo, thus destroying lives. The same can be said for many things. A motor vehicle in the hands of an impaired person will be life threatening, while in the control of a first responder will be lifesaving. I can go on and on with an unlimited list of examples. My point here is that everything has positive or negative effects based on the motives of those in control. One of the most destructive states of mind is want. A strong desire for any personal gain that benefits only the ‘wanter” often at the expense of others with no regard is very destructive. On the one hand, WANT has been that catalyst that fueled the expansion of our Universe. Every THING that IS, is only as it is because someone, somewhere wanted it.  Conversely, people steal, kill, hurt and destroy when they do not get what they want. In keeping with my article last month, too many of us want personal gain that has no benefit to the world. Those would be the goals we chase, that once met, lead to more even loftier goals creating a hamster wheel effect of perpetual unfulfilled want.  We will never be satisfied until the focus of our desire is to impact the world positively.

 Here is an example/analogy: Visualize the human body as the collective of life. They eyes see, to keep the body moving safely, and to allow it to accept visual cues from the surroundings, learn, and enjoy. They work for the good of the body. When the body thrives, the eyes are well and perfect. If the eyes decided that they felt tired and dry, and needed to close while the body was driving, (putting their comfort ahead of the body) the body driving the car would crash, likely die, and the eyes would die also. By putting personal consideration ahead of collective well-being, the sense of sight had a destructive impact. Imagine the same for every body part.

My message here today is that desire, want, goals and dreams are wonderful conditions to move us forward and stimulate creativity. We must be aware that chasing self-interest only will end up being destructive, and never reach a state of fulfillment. Goals and dreams need to be tailored toward using our talents toward creating a better world, then we, as the eyes and legs, etc., will thrive along with the world experience we create.

 When we have a strong want, we will only ever satisfy it when the desire is not for our own benefit but for the betterment of life in general. In short, we will get what we want, when we do not want it for ourselves.

Check your motives!


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Giving it away

There are many contradictions in this life, and situations known as dichotomies in which seemingly opposite conditions exist simultaneously and synchronically flow into each other symbiotically. Many of these affairs are tethered to our emotional, and spiritual experiences of wellbeing.  One such example would be the position of having to give something to keep it. You cannot truly feel love, if someone loves you and you do not love them back. Love is largely only felt, by giving it away.  The myriad of compatible other life narratives would be joy, happiness, peace of mind, wellbeing, compassion and togetherness. One will not have these experiences without sharing them or offering to give them away. The proverbial having of your cake and eating it too exists in this scenario. It cannot exist in many others.

A good lesson for life that I have learned is about where my focus lies, and my mind dwells and turns out to be the defining position of my current emotional state. There are also other means of achieving happiness (or so we have been told) through more selfish pursuits which would be goals, accomplishments, the acquisition of things, accumulation of wealth and the total satisfaction of desires. But the latter here, generally are akin to eating Chinese food, where we no sooner complete the meal, that we are hungry once again. The satisfaction of any self-benefiting pursuit ends up being empty calories, while self-forgetting, service-oriented undertakings tend to leave us satisfied and full.

 Many personal development and self-improvement programs and books are big on setting goals, following dreams, and acquiring all the things we desire without compromise. The result of such journeys is that we become enslaved to the result, miss the joy of the present moment pursuit and leverage our happiness to some future “end game” that never really arises, and once it does, we have already set a newer one.

 For those whose dreams, goals, pursuits and desires are selfless service to others, making an impact on life and have a real effect on the spread of joy, what they aim to share, is spread through them and thus offers the direct personal benefit without ever thinking of themselves at all. In short, by giving it we receive it. The flip side of life’s great dichotomy.

 I have personally experienced such contradiction in my life many times by receiving joy and fulfillment when I was only trying to lift or assist another and I found my true love and soulmate when I gave up looking for love and become a person that offered value to others.

 Not that I am one that’s should give any advice as God knows most of the time I am a mess, but I will say that chasing anything is a race we will not win, but giving everything will fill us up beyond our wildest dreams. The final contradiction is that the end resulting Joy is what we were looking for to begin with. Stop chasing Joy and you will catch it, give up pursuing dreams and they will unfold, forget about yourself and you will live your best life.  I believe St Frances of Assisi taught us to pray in such a manner:

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.
O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.


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The debilitating IMPACT of Waste

 There are many of us these days that are very conscious of conservation. It is thought that resources of all kinds are in short supply and to wantonly squander anything is irresponsible and debilitating for society.  I recall many moons ago as a child my Mother telling me not to waste my food because there are children starving in Biafra (I still have no clue why there, and where it even is) that would be very happy to get my asparagus. I offered to send it to them, but got slapped for being a wise guy! We are always told not to leave the water running while brushing our teeth, close the windows when the heat or air conditioner is on to conserve energy, and donate our used clothes instead of throwing them out.  You get the picture. To waste anything is not recommended, we even recycle metals, plastics and paper. Nothing should be underutilized since there is a finite supply of all of it, and it is dwindling away before our eyes. Naturally I see value in the practice of conservation and wholly advocate that we all partake in being mindful with resources of every kind..

There is however one natural resource that most folk think nothing about and routinely wastes the majority of. This precious product has the largest effect on their lives and yet we mostly toss it out the window, or worse, use it to our own detriment.  I am speaking about our thoughts, our focus and our concentration. This resource is responsible for the entirety of the experiences we realize and the tone, flavor and quality of our lives yet we waste precious hours thinking of things that do not serve us well.

 Whether you understand, agree or have ever even heard before, the lives that unfold before us are the projections from our inner selves creating, attracting, designing, directing and producing the events experiences and every component of our life. Before anything occurs or materializes it was first born in our mind from some thought. Continued focus, energy and emotion behind the thought creates the frequency and vibration that manipulates the energy in our sphere of awareness and constructs the events of life that we become shrouded in. Thoughts become things. Whatsoever we focus on becomes ours whether we want it or not. By thinking of it, revisiting it, assigning a feeling to it, then allowing it to ruminate, even our fears become reality.

Imagine walking through a grocery store, and looking at all the food you despise and would never eat, then tossing it in your cart, paying for it, and then taking it home. Later on when you open your fridge and cabinets, then ask:” Why do I have all this crap here”? The answer is; because you bought it!

 When we think about, then focus on, either worry or just complaining rhetoric, about politics, society, rude people, bad weather etc, we are buying that condition as part of our experience. We could have been better stewards of our thoughts and only thought about situations, experiences and events we find empowering and uplifting but we choose to waste our most precious resource and are living with piles of crap wondering how and why.

 To be truly economical with this resource, conservation minded and not wasteful, make a practice of dismissing thoughts that do not empower, uplift or benefit many immediately so we are not wasting our creative juice designing a world that we want to run from.

Only buy what you will enjoy eating, only think about what you will enjoy living with and perhaps, the water, energy, plastic, metal and paper will take care of itself.

The Journey IS the Destination

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Inside Out!

There are some things that we just can’t avoid. Many of us believe that the lives we experience have been thrust upon us. We are of a common mind, that life is mostly reactionary. However, the exact opposite is true. The daily conditions we face, situations we navigate through, opportunities and challenges that we face are not happenstance. Largely, everything we encounter has been crafted in our minds prior to appearing before us.

Just because something is painful or undesirable does not mean we did not create it. All events in the world of form and substance are born of energy in motion and directed by frequency. Our emotions, (or E- motions) caused the waves of energy in our awareness to become particles of matter that are synchronous with our thought and feeling. What that means is that negative thoughts paired with negative emotions will manifest like conditions and events. So if an individual is constantly focused on politics, crime, injustice, or the struggles in their own life, paired with strong feeling about them, it is only natural that more situations but our similar will continue to appear. In other words, “where our attention goes our energy flows”, or, we get what we think about all day long.

So while many of us believe that life has dealt us a poor hand, or perhaps a great hand, and we have taken advantage of it or struggled with it, the opposite is true. It is how we feel on the inside that has dealt the hand to life. The outer conditions and trappings of life do not dictate our experience. There may be situations that we encounter that have absolutely nothing to do with our current thought processes but once we begin to think about them and assign feelings and energy to them they either stick around or move on. So even if we did not attract them, we fed them and gave them life from our innermost perspectives.

So one immutable truth of life is that the inside dictates what the outside will be. If we can manage to remain focused on events that bring us pleasure in situations that benefit us and others while feeling joy and optimism about them than those of the types of situations that will appear in our experience. We may feel like we need to blame governments, institutions, our family, friends or society for our troubles our trials or are opportunities and successes but that is not so. There is no one to blame.

One that is focused on negative thoughts ans situations will ultimately live such a life and vice versa. The inner most feelings and expectations of a person is the foundation for the quality of their life.

The Inside is the outside, clean house and you will start living the life you previously could not even imagine.

The Journey IS the Destination

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It’s All About The Lens!

The very same motorcycle looks different to each person. A custom car can be beautiful for one enthusiast and appear as a pile of tin scrap to another. Likewise some people will see beautiful flowers, roses and lilies, while another we see the catalyst for sneezing, itchy eyes and the pain of being stuck with razor sharp thorns.

You would think that someone is right and someone is wrong, wouldn’t you? Well that is just not the case when it comes to perspective, and opinion. We all have different view points on everything based upon our perspective. If we perceive a rosebush to be a threat, our perspective of them is that they are dangerous. Perspective, perception, opinion, and view point, are all void of judgment. None of these views are right or wrong just our world view. The lens through which we view something give us perspective and define our relationship to it.

The thing we need to be careful about is that our perspective tends to be overreaching. The lens that we are peering through to judge the world around us will color everything in its wake.

 For those of us that perceive our challenges to be burdens and punishments, we see the world as a place we need to defend ourselves against and everything that approaches is regarded as an attack. Now those that welcome such things, we see opportunity everywhere.

If we go to work begrudgingly because we feel we need to suffer and struggle to meet our basic needs, work will be torture. If we address our occupation as a chance to use our skills to make a contribution to the world and in turn receive like remuneration for our efforts, than we tend to thrive and grow through employments rather than lament over the burden and moan and groan.

The fact to remember is that everything we encounter is meaningless until we take out our lens with meaning programmed in. Two people can live in the same town, work the same job, have similar houses and be in similar health as one feels like he is hell and the other is living the dream. It is not the world that is going to hell in a hand basket; it is the lens you are looking through. Just like a filthy windshield can ruin a leisurely drive on a sunny day, our perspective will determine the tone the life we experience.

 So many of us feel like we need to change the world. That is certainly a daunting task. It is way easier to just clean your lens, or change it.

 Change the way you see the world, and your world will change for you. Look through the lens of acceptance, forgiveness, love and peace with gratitude and joy, and that will be the world you live in. You will never have to change anything else.

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Love the Problems

The purpose of life is the Divine Endeavor to experience challenge and creativity.
Through us, God is creating opportunities to experience Joy through accomplishment. The whole point of life is to create. We are only inspired to create when exposed to discomfort. This why the contrast MUST exist. Without the challenge, life is like spoiled children of privilege; nothing is appreciated or valued. We cannot enjoy HEAVEN until we know otherwise.

Do not lament and complain about life’s challenges; EMBRACE THEM! Address discomforts as the challenge in a game, like the fast ball coming at you! Without the fast moving projectile there would be no opportunity for a home run.
With no goalie trying to prevent us from getting the puck in the net there would be no point hitting it.

The FUN behind any sport or game, even board games,is to overcome a challenge and/or get past opposition.We get paid for work when we fix problems.The spice that gjves life flavor is the challenges

The Story of ADAM & EVE tells us how humanity left the beauty of perfection for the uncertainty of life with Good/Evil, Pain/Peace, Love/Hate because living in perpetual perfection does not offer the contrast to allow us to appreciatethe perfection


Adopting the proper perspective on our challenges can allow us to approach them with gratitude instead of annoyance. This mindset will surely produce much more favorable outcomes.

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Circumvent Circumstances

It’s a big world out there. From all appearances there is a lot going on. I can’t begin to list even the categories, or topics in which things are going on there are so many, let alone the happenings in each. We have politics, finances, social justice, law, science, medicine, business, sex, sports, new, crime, commerce, geopolitics, relationship, eco & climate, history, psychology, and religion, just to start. The odds are very high that one can just casually engage in any of these topics and could find reason to be disappointed, sad, angry, indignant, furious outraged or homicidal/suicidal if the passion behind it is strong enough. I have one question about this. WHY?

I am willing to bet only a small fraction of what each of us is passionately disturbed about has any significance on the quality of our lives. Even the ones that do, the majority of that impact is manageable. So many are so angry about so much and it does not have to be that way. Could it be the old “Bandwagon Paradigm”, or do we just want to feel included? Are we so bored that we would rather focus our energy and attention on circumstances that either have no impact on us, or at best a negligible effect, knowing it will cause us anger and is largely out of our control. Perhaps it’s not boredom, maybe we like to be angry! It may be wiser to take an alternate route

Choose wisely. Follow your heart.

Regardless the impetus, the fact remains we cannot feel joy and anger at the same time, and we will not know peace while we surround our mind with chaos. Another fact is that what we focus our attention on, (PAY ATTENTION), is taking our most precious resource, (time) and squandering it on matters that do not make us happy. That would be like having your last few dollars, haven’t eaten in a few days, go to the store and spend your money on magazines. Again, I ask WHY?  We each create the circumstances that are in our lives. Our mind is like a vending machine. You look around at the choices, press the right button and get what you asked for. Each machine has an abundance of goods we like, as well as a plethora of things we don’t, and even a few we know nothing about. If we each choose the items that empower us we will individually have pleasant experiences. When many of us do the same, we collectively have great experiences. When the vending machine is stacked with mostly great things, we have a pretty decent world.

 None of us can, or should choose for another so I dare not make suggestions other than; If you focus on joy, you will see more joy, feel more joyful, and share joy. Don’t be a victim of the awful circumstances you see, circumvent the angst and choose better feeling thoughts. While the world at large may not change musc, the world you live in will.


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